CST MWS仿真天線能量得不到擴散怎么解決
并且出現(xiàn)警告:Maximum simulation time reached, solver stopped.
Please note that the steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied. More...
1 warning occurred.
Maximum number of pulse widths simulated, solver stopped. / Maximum simulation time reached, solver stopped. Please note that the steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied.
The transient solver operates with a time pulse as excitation, and the simulation stops when one of the following conditions are met:
Either the remaining energy in the calculation domain as well as the port signals have decreased to the steady state value specified on the time domain solver parameter page in the Accuracy field.
The simulation time reaches the maximum solver duration, either defined as Time, Number of pulses or Propagation distance on the Steady state tab on the Special Time Domain Solver Parameter page.
The warning appears when the latter condition was satisfied first before the accuracy level has been reached. This means the energy level remaining in the structure is still bigger than the specified steady state value. Usually this is the case for resonating (energy stays inside the structure for a long time) or large structures (it takes a long time for a pulse to penetrate through the structure). The extra energy would appear as a truncation error, which causes some ripples in the S-parameter curves.
Recommended solutions are the following:
•For non-resonating structures, the maximum solver duration setting can be adjusted, with the appropriate choice of defining number of pulses or a time or propagation distance setting.
•For resonating structures a much better approach would be to activate the Autoregressive Filter (see advanced Topics manual) on the AR Filter tab on the Special Time Domain Solver Parameter page, which allows to shorten the simulation time and in addition to avoid the truncation error.
之前我在仿真功分器的時候也出現(xiàn)這種情況,多虧了hawk8969 大神幫我解決了,主要是背景材料中的距離設(shè)置的太小了,估計有點空間諧振了,所以出現(xiàn)這種情況,但是這次完全是根據(jù)軟件自己設(shè)定的空氣盒子的大小確定的,默認的,所以沒改動,我試了一下將upper Z改成20,結(jié)果更差,只衰減到-25.8dB,所以我猜想不是這個原因
并且出現(xiàn)警告:Maximum simulation time reached, solver stopped.
Please note that the steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied. More...
1 warning occurred.
Maximum number of pulse widths simulated, solver stopped. / Maximum simulation time reached, solver stopped. Please note that the steady state energy criterion has not been satisfied.
The transient solver operates with a time pulse as excitation, and the simulation stops when one of the following conditions are met:
Either the remaining energy in the calculation domain as well as the port signals have decreased to the steady state value specified on the time domain solver parameter page in the Accuracy field.
The simulation time reaches the maximum solver duration, either defined as Time, Number of pulses or Propagation distance on the Steady state tab on the Special Time Domain Solver Parameter page.
The warning appears when the latter condition was satisfied first before the accuracy level has been reached. This means the energy level remaining in the structure is still bigger than the specified steady state value. Usually this is the case for resonating (energy stays inside the structure for a long time) or large structures (it takes a long time for a pulse to penetrate through the structure). The extra energy would appear as a truncation error, which causes some ripples in the S-parameter curves.
Recommended solutions are the following:
•For non-resonating structures, the maximum solver duration setting can be adjusted, with the appropriate choice of defining number of pulses or a time or propagation distance setting.
•For resonating structures a much better approach would be to activate the Autoregressive Filter (see advanced Topics manual) on the AR Filter tab on the Special Time Domain Solver Parameter page, which allows to shorten the simulation time and in addition to avoid the truncation error.
之前我在仿真功分器的時候也出現(xiàn)這種情況,多虧了hawk8969 大神幫我解決了,主要是背景材料中的距離設(shè)置的太小了,估計有點空間諧振了,所以出現(xiàn)這種情況,但是這次完全是根據(jù)軟件自己設(shè)定的空氣盒子的大小確定的,默認的,所以沒改動,我試了一下將upper Z改成20,結(jié)果更差,只衰減到-25.8dB,所以我猜想不是這個原因
“仿真不能完全結(jié)束就停止掉了”,沒有這種說法!仿真停止就是結(jié)束了,仿真沒停止就沒有結(jié)束。仿真軟件里停止(或結(jié)束)是通過條件判斷的,理論上高斯激勵之后器件內(nèi)的能量全部耗散完是結(jié)束的條件,但是這是不可能的,因此仿真軟件里引入了“數(shù)值噪聲”的概念。數(shù)值噪聲定義為和激勵能量的一個比值,這個數(shù)值就是time domain solver里accuracy這個參數(shù)。默認-30 dB意味著數(shù)值噪聲為激勵能量的千分之一,設(shè)置為-50 dB就是十萬分之一。對于有些模型,能量耗散得極其緩慢,因此時域仿真同時規(guī)定了最大仿真時間,默認是20個激勵信號的長度。如果在20個信號長度之內(nèi),數(shù)值噪聲達到accuracy的數(shù)值,仿真停止(結(jié)束);否則,到20個信號長度時仿真仍然停止(結(jié)束)。因此沒有“仿真不能完全結(jié)束就停止掉了”這種說法!(請仔細閱讀幫助文件的內(nèi)容)
AR-Filter是一種解決方案,但是請注意是有適用條件的!幫助文件使用的是“would”,不是“is”!使用AR-Filter的目的就是為了讓field energy只衰減一點點就結(jié)束仿真,縮短仿真時間。否則使用AR-Filter又繼續(xù)跑完field engergy的意義是什么?至于結(jié)果可不可靠,和仿真運行了多久沒有邏輯關(guān)系。
精力有限就不詳細分析了,但是網(wǎng)格的處理很費解,尤其是substrate的local mesh properties,不理解為什么要設(shè)置為厚度的三分之一。介質(zhì)厚度是0.25毫米,三分之一就是0.083毫米,這就是模型的minimum mesh step,非常小,導致仿真的時間會拖得非常久,根本沒必要!這個數(shù)值設(shè)置為0.2毫米就已經(jīng)能計算出正確的line impedance了。
把仿真頻率設(shè)置為0-5 GHz,global mesh properties設(shè)置為10、10、10,取消metal edge refinement factor。Time domain solver激活adaptive mesh refinement,得到的S11:
Field Engergy:
Field energy耗散得慢這是這個模型自身的特性,但不見得AR-Filter就是這個模型的解決方案。
Port Signal:
Port signal可以看到端口反射能量很不規(guī)律,個人不認為這樣的模型適用AR-Filter。在time domain solver里激活online AR-Filter并不會縮短仿真時間,也驗證了我的觀點。如果要得到很低的field energy,只能增大maximum simulation time。在0-5 GHz的前提下,激勵時長是0.7納秒,那么20個脈沖長度就是14納秒左右。要得到比如-50 dB的field energy,大概需要60-80個脈沖長度。在Pass 6 940680個網(wǎng)格的條件下,我的8核工作站仿真時間是19分鐘,因此60-80個脈沖長度大概需要一到一個半小時。
需要特別強調(diào)的是,仿真結(jié)果是否準確只取決于網(wǎng)格劃分的是否合理,和field energy是否耗散到很低無關(guān)!Trunction error只是讓S參數(shù)曲線存在“波紋”,對于數(shù)值準確性本身沒有影響!
幫助文件需要仔細閱讀:《Mesh Generation Overview》、《AR-Filter Overview》、《Time Domain Solver Performance Improvement》、《Signals in Time Domain Simulation》。
老帖也值得參考:本專區(qū)的“CST MWS計算腔體屏蔽效能的問題”。