關(guān)于CST realized gain的計(jì)算, CST提供的答案好像有問題望有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的人士解答一下,
realized gain=gain * (1 - S11^2)
在CST里面, 假如頻率是470mhz, 我的天線模擬后的結(jié)果是
tot.effic是-15.03 dB, Directivity=2.205 dBi, Gain(IEEE)= -3.144 dB,
realized gain= -12.83 dB, (感覺比正常小很多)
S11=-3.0696 dB,
想請(qǐng)教一下大家,這個(gè)cst里面的realized gain是怎么求出來的啊,按照CST給的結(jié)果,應(yīng)該是tot.effic跟dir相加就得出來,但如果用公式,怎么也求不出來啊.
rlzd gain是計(jì)及匹配情況的增益,因而要按照你給的第一個(gè)式子計(jì)算
I found out the problem. If the antenna includes the extra real components rather than antenna itself, the gain shown in CST is the gain for the antenna, not the gain to calculate the realized gain.
For example,
In my case,
Total Efficiency: -15.03 dB
Directivity: 2.205 dBi
Gain (IEEE): -3.144 dB
Realized Gain: -12.83 dB
Radiation Efficiency: -12.10
S11 for 470 MHz: -3.0696 dB
Realized Gain=Gain * (1 - S11^2)
You can see that, the Gain (IEEE) is not equal to Directivity + Radiation Efficiency.
If we use the gain calculated by the equation, then we can get the same realized gain shown in CST.