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Running Simulations > High Performance Computing (HPC) Integration > Integration with PBS (Portable Batch System) Professional from Altair Engineering
Example PBS qsub Command Lines
All of the following examples show how to submit Linux hfss jobs on PBS, but similar command lines and job scripts will work for all ANSYS EM products. Most of the following examples are PBS "Single-node jobs." The last example is a PBS "multi-node jobs"; this examples demonstrate how to specify the allocation of threads, tasks and nodes to a job.
Serial job:
qsub ~/pbs_scripts/OptimTee.sh
Job Script File:
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve
Serial job that needs a minimum of 4GB memory and two hours of real (wallclock) time:
qsub ~/pbs_scripts/OptimTee.sh
Job Script File:
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -l mem=4gb
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve
Multi-processing job using 4 cores:
qsub ~/pbs_scripts/OptimTee.sh
Job Script File:
#PBS -l ncpus=4
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve -batchoptions "'HFSS/Preferences/NumberOfProcessors'=4"
The #PBS -l ncpus=4 directive indicates that four cores or CPUs are allocated to this job.
The -batchoptions option indicates that HFSS should use four cores for multi-processing.
Distributed processing job using 4 engines on a single host:
qsub ~/pbs_scripts/OptimTee.sh
Job Script File:
#PBS -l ncpus=4
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve -Distributed
The #PBS -l ncpus=4 directive indicates that four cores or CPUs are allocated to this job.
The -Distributed option indicates that this is a DSO job, so that multiple engines will be started. Because 4 cores are allocated to the job, the job will run 4 engines.
Distributed processing and multi-processing job using 8 cores on two nodes, running 4 engines (two per node) with 2 cores for multi-processing:
qsub ~/pbs_scripts/OptimTee.sh
Job Script File:
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=2:cpp=2#excl
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve -Distributed
-machinelist num=4 -batchoptions
The PBS directive #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=1:cpp=2#shared indicates that two nodes are requested [2], two processes (engines) run on each node [ppn=2], and each process will use two cores [cpp=2]. The hosts allocated to this job may not be used for any other jobs while this job is running [#excl].
The -machinelist num=4 option indicates that this is a DSO job and that a total of four engines will be started.
The 'HFSS/Preferences/NumberOfProcessorsDistributed=2 batchoption indicates that the distributed analysis engines should use two cores for multi-processing.
The 'HFSS/Preferences/NumberOfProcessors=2 batchoption indicates that the portion of the analysis that is not distributed should use two cores for multi-processing.
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Integration with PBS (Portable Batch System) Professional from Altair Engineering
qsub Arguments
Monitoring Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs